Quilting & Craft Projects
Quilting by Rhonda
It is with great pleasure that I can share my passion with you. I love writing and sharing my stories and articles with you but I also love my craft projects.
I now have that chance to display some of my craft projects with you in the form of hand made quilts and other items I have created using quilting. Some of my work include quilts and aprons for men and women.
On this page I want to also introduce you to the lovely lady who has taught me so much.
You will also have the chance to buy some of our projects as a gift for yourself or as a Christmas gift for a loved one.

Patricia Lock
Born to poultry farmers near Liverpool, New South Wales, Patricia enjoyed an idyllic mid-1940s to1950s childhood playing in the paddocks and waterholes of the family property.
Not so enjoyable were the hours she spent washing every egg with warm water and steel wool. Farm children always had jobs to do, and Patricia and her siblings were no different.
However, knowing the stock so well, enabled the kids to play with the chooks while their parents took the weekly trek to town to buy household supplies. This sometimes led to hilarious outcomes, but all semblance of normality was restored, with a tidy house and chooks in their sheds (though not necessarily in the same pen each one had come out of) when the parents returned home.
Patricia loved fabric and sewed from an early age. By age thirteen, she was making her own clothes. But it wasn’t until many years later, when she and her husband settled into their own home that she allowed herself to fall in love with quilting.
No more ‘making do’ with the room in the army houses of her earlier married years, she finally had the space to indulge her passion for beautiful fabrics and quilting.
Though Patricia raised two children, worked in corporate offices and reared native Australian birds, her passion for fabric and quilting has been the pursuit to stay with her into her senior years.
I’m so very thankful she taught me this fabulous craft, and I love the days when we work together.
I introduce you to Patricia Lock and her beautiful quilts.