Hello to you,
I’m a writer. I tell people’s stories. Everyone has one.
You may want your story told but feel you lack the time or skills to write it.
You may only want part of your story told. That’s okay. That’s the part I’d write.
But my life isn’t that interesting, I hear you say.
Many people don’t think their life is interesting. They don’t think anyone would want to read about it.
But, in whatever way life occurs, when talked about in the right way, the story can entertain, move and inspire.
What’s the right way? In your authentic voice. Remember, we all perceive a single situation differently because we come to it with our different life experiences and see the moment from our intrinsic perspective.
And there will always be someone who will relate.
Experiencing emotions through stories sets humans apart from other species. And being inspired is what drives us to set and attain goals.
So, why have your story written?
• First, it’s a legacy for your descendants, whether they knew you when you lived, or will live two hundred years in the future, your writing tells something about you.
• We all need to know where we come from and where we belong. Storytelling facilitates this.
• Your story is an account of events as you see them. It’s your voice.
• When you tell your story, it is conveyed with all the emotion you feel. Unquestionably, it is what you want told.
• It’s a way of processing your life; of putting occurrences into perspective. Greater understanding happens when order is created from the disorder that can occur in life.
• Storytelling is a way of retaining memories.
So, what can I do for you?
Whilst I have a passion for bringing to life the stories of historical families, I’m also happy to write the stories of living individuals, providing they know and support the process and will provide an agreed-upon remuneration for the completed manuscript.
I will write from the data you provide and, if required, any research I undertake.
You will provide the guidelines and vision for what you want me to achieve, and I will produce the work, always mindful of retaining your voice. I will present a cohesive story with clarity and compassion.
Go to Blog to find out more about me, my work, and why I write.