Rhonda Valentine Dixon
Rhonda Valentine Dixon

The log cabin must surely be one of the first blocks a quilter learns. There are countless ways you can construct your quilt using the log cabin block. This was my first queen size quilt using log cabin.

In the mid-1800s American women began using the placement of ‘logs’ (strips of fabric) around a centre single piece. Connecticut quilter, Karen Griska says they carried special symbolism. “A red centre symbolized the hearth of home, a yellow centre represented a welcoming light in the window and a black centred quilt hanging on a clothesline was meant to signal a stop for the Underground Railroad.” 

Griska, K, Karen Griska Quilts https://karengriskaquilts.blogspot.com/ accessed 15 April 2024

(The Underground Railroad was a metaphorical name for a network of routes, places and people who helped enslaved people escape from the South to the North.)

The National Geographic Society, The Underground Railroad
https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/underground-railroad/ Accessed 15 April 2024

I love this symbolism in arts and crafts.
